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Architect who embezzled money from charity must repay £1.5 million

This week, a hearing at Edinburgh Sheriff court heard prosecutors plan to use the proceeds of crime legislation to recover £1,590,512.69 from a retired architect who embezzled hundreds of thousands of pounds from a charity.

Ian Brash, 66, appeared at Edinburgh Sheriff Court in August 2018 where he admitted to embezzling £358,832 from the Dr Robert Malcolm Trust - which provides financial help to medical students and doctors - between August 2010 and September 2014. The former architect had been a trustee for the charity for over 15 years when he began to embezzle the money from the organisation.

The court heard how a property was purchased in Windermere by the charity for £172,018 in 1995 and, once Mr Brash had taken sole control of the charity's finances, the house was sold for £500,000. He transferred most of the cash into the trading company account before moving large sums into a personal share dealing account. When questioned by the police, Mr Brash said the money had been ‘mixed up’ with his own personal finances but then later admitted guilt.

According to reports, the money was used to purchase an Alpha Romeo, two new Land Rovers and to provide his children with tens of thousands of pounds to fund deposits for buy-to-let properties. Mr Brash also admitted to buying a wind turbine and paying off large vet bills with the money.

In order to return the embezzled sums, Sheriff Frank Crowe heard that Mr Brash is currently trying to sell his 15th-century Fa'side Castle, near Tranent, East Lothian. Sheriff Crowe deferred sentence on Mr Brash until next month after hearing that the retired architect is "anxious" to repay the charity.

Contact our Embezzlement Lawyers, Glasgow

If you have been accused of embezzling money, it is crucial you get first-class legal guidance and specialist representation. Get in touch with Keith Tuck solicitors via the online enquiry form to see how we can help you.

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