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Drivers Believe they Can Avoid Police Detection

A new survey has found that many drivers believe that a lack of police presence on the roads means they can avoid detection when committing road traffic offences.

The study, by the AA, revealed that the offences drivers are most confident about avoiding detection for are:

  • Careless driving, such as tailgating and middle lane hogging (mentioned by 65%)
  • Driving a vehicle in a dangerous or defective condition (55%)
  • Using a hand-held mobile phone while driving (54%)

However, they are less confident about other offences, such as drink driving and speeding, with only 36% believing they can escape detection for either.

“It is worrying that drivers feel that a lack of police officers on the roads means they think they can get away with careless driving and other serious motoring offences,” commented Edmund King, AA president. “The AA and the Government are keen to stamp out using a hand-held mobile phone whilst driving, but more than half feel it can be done with little chance of punishment.”

“Limited support for allowing third parties to carry out roads enforcement shows that drivers want more police on the streets to catch and prosecute drivers breaking the law,” he added. “What is clear is that camera enforcement is seen as an actual deterrent, but Big Brother can only do so much; we need more cops in cars.”

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