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New Measures to Tackle Organised Crime Come into Force

New measures are now in force that give new powers to law enforcement agencies in combatting organised crime by widening what can be classed as cash when seizing assets. 

The new provisions are contained in the Criminal Finances Act 2017 and mean that betting slips, casino chips and gaming vouchers can now be seized as if they were currency.

Police Scotland will also be able to search for and seize items of value such as jewellery, watches, stamps and precious stones where they are suspected of being involved in illegal activity, in the same way they already do with cash.

“This is a significant step in ensuring criminals cannot profit from unlawful activities and gives our law enforcement agencies additional powers to seize assets acquired by illegal means,” commented Cabinet Secretary for Justice Michael Matheson.

“More than £6 million was recovered by the Crown Office and the Civil Recovery Unit in 2017/18,” he said. “However, expanding the definition of what can be treated as cash and what our police officers can search for as they seek to disrupt criminal activity has the potential to further impact Scottish organised crime.”

“I am determined that crime will not pay and that every ill-gotten asset can be put back into communities through the Cashback programme, whether it’s a gemstone, betting slip or casino chip,” he added. “There must be no respite in tackling organised crime and the harm it causes.”

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Areas of Expertise


Being convicted of a road traffic offence can have a detrimental impact on your life and work

Contact our Road Traffic Defence Solicitors
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Assault is when you make an approach on someone which is intended to cause harm or puts the victim in a state of alarm.

Contact our Criminal Defence Solicitors


Drug-related crimes can range from the very minor to serious crime resulting in lengthy prison sentences

Contact our Drug Offence Solicitors
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Fraud can take many forms, usually taking property without the owners consent with the intention for personal gain.

Contact our Fraud Defence Solicitors
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