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Been arrested, charged with a crime or road traffic offence?

Lockdown lifting, staycations and road traffic offences – what happens if you're charged?

As lockdown lifts and life slowly begins to return to normality, many of us will be thinking about getting back out and about. Staycations and driving holidays have been encouraged to avoid quarantine and last-minute disappointment of foreign destinations being red-listed. However, with thousands of Brits expected to take to the unfamiliar and narrow country roads this summer, there is cause for concern that road traffic accidents and offences could rise exponentially.

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395 Hits

The smacking ban is now in force – what does it mean for parents?

Back in October 2019, the overwhelming approval of the smacking ban bill by MSPs dominated the headlines. One year on, the new law is officially in force, making Scotland the first country in the UK to criminalise physical punishment of children. The reform has been praised for being “a momentous step in making [Scotland] a country where children's rights are truly recognised, respected and fulfilled”. However, it has also been heavily criticised for its potential to intervene in family life and blacklist, or even give criminal records to, loving parents who pose no risk to their children. 

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Domestic Abuse Allegations During Coronavirus

Amid concerns that the coronavirus lockdown measures could cause an increase in domestic abuse cases, the charity Crimestoppers Scotland has launched a campaign encouraging anyone who hears or sees abusive behaviour to come forward. 

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How is the criminal justice system adapting to the coronavirus pandemic?

While all areas of business are affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, essential services such as courts and tribunals must ensure minimal disruption to the lives of the public. The criminal justice system is an integral part of society, and as a result, has had to adapt and adopt new working methods to continue running. 

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Coronavirus: The possible future of criminal proceedings via video links

The COVID-19 outbreak has required organisations all over the world to adapt to new ways of working. The Scottish Criminal Courts are in the same position, and as an essential service, the courts must adopt modern technology to continue to function. However, unlike other businesses, the courts face the distinct challenge of balancing the right to a fair trial, with dispensing justice. 

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1212 Hits

Areas of Expertise


Being convicted of a road traffic offence can have a detrimental impact on your life and work

Contact our Road Traffic Defence Solicitors
road traffic offences


Assault is when you make an approach on someone which is intended to cause harm or puts the victim in a state of alarm.

Contact our Criminal Defence Solicitors


Drug-related crimes can range from the very minor to serious crime resulting in lengthy prison sentences

Contact our Drug Offence Solicitors
road traffic offences


Fraud can take many forms, usually taking property without the owners consent with the intention for personal gain.

Contact our Fraud Defence Solicitors
road traffic offences