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We are criminal defence solicitors with a hard-earned reputation of winning for our clients

Been arrested, charged with a crime or road traffic offence?

Support For Offensive Behaviour at Football Repeal Bill

A Members Bill introduced to the Scottish Parliament in June last year by MSP James Kelly to repeal the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act 2012 has been supported by a majority of the Justice Committee. 

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  1353 Hits
1353 Hits

Court Service Targets Non-Payment of Fines

The Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service (SCTS) recently published details of action taken against drivers who had failed to pay their fines

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  1968 Hits
1968 Hits

Woman Receives Prison Sentence for Money Laundering

A woman has received a prison sentence of over six years after being convicted of money laundering offences.

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  1908 Hits
1908 Hits

Figures Reveal Rise in Car Theft

There has been a 30% increase in the number of vehicles stolen in England and Wales over the last three years, new data has revealed.

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  1801 Hits
1801 Hits

Tougher Knife Crime Laws

The UK Government has announced its intention to consult on new offences to toughen up knife crime laws in England and Wales.

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  1197 Hits
1197 Hits

Areas of Expertise


Being convicted of a road traffic offence can have a detrimental impact on your life and work

Contact our Road Traffic Defence Solicitors
road traffic offences


Assault is when you make an approach on someone which is intended to cause harm or puts the victim in a state of alarm.

Contact our Criminal Defence Solicitors


Drug-related crimes can range from the very minor to serious crime resulting in lengthy prison sentences

Contact our Drug Offence Solicitors
road traffic offences


Fraud can take many forms, usually taking property without the owners consent with the intention for personal gain.

Contact our Fraud Defence Solicitors
road traffic offences