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We are criminal defence solicitors with a hard-earned reputation of winning for our clients

Been arrested, charged with a crime or road traffic offence?

Scotland sees reduction in reoffending

Statistics have been released which reveal a substantial drop in reconvictions in Scotland, with the number of offenders being reconvicted falling to a 19-year low.

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961 Hits

Scottish Limited Partnerships to be Reformed to Prevent Money Laundering

The UK Government has announced reforms of Scottish Limited Partnerships to prevent them from used to launder dirty foreign money through the UK. 

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New Measures to Tackle Organised Crime Come into Force

New measures are now in force that give new powers to law enforcement agencies in combatting organised crime by widening what can be classed as cash when seizing assets. 

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1199 Hits

Report Reveals Fall in Crime in Scotland

The Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS) for 2016-17 has revealed that crime in Scotland has fallen by around a third in just under a decade and more people than ever feel safe in their neighbourhood. 

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1117 Hits

Police Campaign Targets Hate Crime

Police Scotland has launched a new campaign that aims to raise awareness of hate crime, which it defines as “any crime which is perceived by the victim or any other person as being motivated by malice or ill will towards a social group”. 

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Areas of Expertise


Being convicted of a road traffic offence can have a detrimental impact on your life and work

Contact our Road Traffic Defence Solicitors
road traffic offences


Assault is when you make an approach on someone which is intended to cause harm or puts the victim in a state of alarm.

Contact our Criminal Defence Solicitors


Drug-related crimes can range from the very minor to serious crime resulting in lengthy prison sentences

Contact our Drug Offence Solicitors
road traffic offences


Fraud can take many forms, usually taking property without the owners consent with the intention for personal gain.

Contact our Fraud Defence Solicitors
road traffic offences